Wednesday, June 6, 2007

West Side Story!

Cambria's going to her first musical tonight! Well, she doesn't have a choice, as she's still floating around in my tummy! We're going to the Carousel Dinner Theatre in Akron to see West Side Story- my favorite musical. We've been taking Parenting Classes at Pregnancy Solutions in Akron and one of the women who teaches class works at the Carousel and she got us free tickets! I'm sure Cambria's going to love it. Who wouldn't?!

I've been loading up on baby clothes like crazy. We literally had our crib filled with baby clothes the other day. I've been slowly cleaning them and getting them ready. I need to start getting 3-6 month+ because we have a lot of 0-3 month clothes. They're just so cute and little!

We got a free baby swing last night and aside from needing a good cleaning, it's in great condition. It's brown and it has 6 speeds and plays music. If she's anything like she is in the womb, she should like the movement of a swing. Some babies don't, though. So I'm glad we got it for free.

Speaking of money. Thanks, Trena, for the suggestion. I hope I can get low payments like that if I'm not approved for medicaid. I finally finished the application for medicaid today and I will mail it in maybe tonight or tomorrow. I'm just hoping and praying that we get approved!

That's all. I have to go to Akron now!


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