Saturday, January 27, 2007

Thank you

Everywhere I go, I meet a pregnant girl! It's in the Ohio water I guess. Although... I don't drink water. Well, I didn't before anyway.

I just wanted to say thanks for all your comments and support, everyone!
Katie- I love hearing from you since I know that you just went through all this!
Blondie- I'm soooo happy that you're excited to be a grandma! It's always an added plus to know you've got a great support system.
Melody- You're going to be an awesome auntie and I'd let you sonogram me anyday :-)
Trena- I'm flattered that you want to come to my shower and I can't wait for it to happen!
Jason- Ryan said you heard from Hannah who heard from Gillian who heard from someone at Malone and that makes me laugh! News travels FAST and FAR! Thank you so much for your support, it means a lot to me, it really does. Tell Hannah I said 'hi' and I miss her.
Did I miss anybody?!

Seriously, though, I am so happy to see all the support. I can't thank you all enough.

My new thing is having random moments of anxiety about the laboring/birthing process. My biggest fear in life has been to give birth and that hasn't changed. Cody says I'll get used to the idea, but I don't think I will. I'm so terribly, deathly frightened of giving birth. I have no pain tolerance. I know I'm getting the epidural, but I'm so tired of people telling me it's better not to get it and whatnot. I can't pull through a 14 hour pregnancy or anything like that. I'm just going to have to not think about it.

Cramps are still going on strong, but that's all. It worries me, but like I've said, no medical insurance means no doctor yet! Wish me luck or pray for me or keep me in your thoughts or whatever it is that you do so that I can just get some insurance to get through this.

At any rate, thank you all for everything and I hope to see each of you at any one of my baby showers! Oh yeah, and my dress for the wedding is picked out, so we're making progress.



Anonymous said...

even if you can't see a dr yet, be sure and take folic acid! all new mommies need it!

Dot said...

I can tell you not to worry about the birthing process, but I know that's easier said than done! Remember that even though it seems completely unnatural and scary, your body was designed to do it. The anxiety in the months leading up to my delivery was actually worse than the delivery itself.
