Wednesday, February 7, 2007

First trimester and wedding

I don't like being pregnant. Everytime I consume sugar, I feel guilty because I know it's not good for us. Everytime I smell something, I want to puke. Everytime I sleep, I can't stay asleep for more than 6 hours. Everytime I think, I get stressed. I cramp, I yawn, I eat, I cramp, I eat, I yawn, I sleep. I cramp, cramp, cramp. Whoever says they enjoy pregnancy must forget how awful the first trimester is. Nobody can enjoy this. And planning a wedding on top of it all... is hell. To say the least.

I figured out how I want to arrange my bedroom with the crib and everything. So now it's just a matter of doing it. First, we have to get through the wedding. I'm so tired of starting to think about the baby and then forcing myself to stop because the wedding is first. I really wasn't thinking when I ... well, when we. Y'know. Oh well.

I felt like complaining, so I did. Now I'm done.



Anonymous said...

Don't beat yourself up over indulging in a little sugar. As long as it's in sensible moderation it isn't going to hurt your mini-me. Besides, it's important that you take care of yourself during this stressful time, and if an ocassional hot fudge sundae makes you happy I think that's good enough reason to go for it.

Let me know if there's anything I can do to help baby/wedding planning. I know it's tough to delegate jobs to other people when you're planning something big, especially to someone a distance away, but if you happen to think of anything just know that I'd be more than willing to help out! :)


Anonymous said...

Oh dear god.